Ask an Allergist

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Allergy to the sun??
drgels 0 302 by drgels
Oct 15, 2015 21:11:24 GMT


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Ask an Allergist
I’m Duane Gels, MD, a board-certified allergist who has treated local patients with allergies, asthma, cough, sinus issues for years. I've heard it all-but what allergy questions do YOU have? What is allergy? What isn’t? How do you know if a cough is allergy, asthma or something else? Is it mold? Or a cold? How long should a virus last? What is “post-nasal drip”? Why do I stay congested? How do I get to the bottom of this? Will a blood test work? When won't it? Why do I keep coughing? Why does my child keep sniffing, or…make that funny noise? Why does my kid cough hen s/he runs? What are allergy shots? When do they work?"Come meet me and my friendly staff at Eastern Shore Allergy and Asthma at 227 N. Liberty Street in Centreville: 410-758-6700. Or see us in Annapolis: 410-573-1600.
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